Friday 13 January 2017

With another term underway we are starting several new topics. We are working on playwriting in English, which will include formatting the story properly, writing with the proper audience in mind, and then performing the piece. In Science we have just started a new unit on States of Matter, in which we will explore the different properties of solids, liquids and gases. We've started gymnastics in PE, and belonging and Sikhism in RE.

In Geography we are starting a unit on the sub-continent of India, pointing out where it is, who lives there and what the various cultures and peoples are like. We will also be looking at identifying the different features of maps and how to read them, and we may even do a bit of orienteering if time and weather permit.

This is a shorter term than the last one, which means that it will be more intense and tightly packed. So the children will be stretched in their abilities and attention spans.

As A quick heads-up, spelling tests will resume next week, and the letter with the term's long-range project will be finished and sent out in the next week or so.

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