Friday 27 January 2017

In an amazing reversal of fortunes from last week, we are now three weeks into the term with two weeks left to go. Of particular note for next week is the Year 4 sharing assembly, which will be on Friday, for parents. Come in and see what we've been up to for the last 17 weeks. We may ask that some of the children bring some of their Egyptian projects back in to show off.

We started our English unit on story settings, and I've started them out describing a fantasy location they are mostly familiar with and using as many adjectives, adverbs and figurative language as they could to paint the picture with words. Next week we will begin to use settings to develop a mood or atmosphere.

In science we explored solids that act as liquids, and then did an observation of melting some chocolate, butter and wax in a microwave to see how fast each one melted. Unfortunately, when we melted the butter we also melted the plastic container that was holding it, so that ruined the experiment a bit. But we soldiered on anyway.

We took a good look at India in Geography this week, exploring where it is in the world and looking at its various climate zones. The children are becoming much more expert at reading a map and several of them figured out what population and elevation maps look like.

We're dealing with the excuses we give ourselves and others for not trying our hardest in PSHE. In PE, we're continuing to learn different gymnastics moves and combining them into sequences. They are also learning hockey with Mr Clark. We're continuing to learn about Sikhism in RE and comparing it to the more familiar traditions (for many of us) in Christianity.

We've got a lot of practising to do for the assembly next week, so hopefully we'll be all polished and ready by Friday. Hope to see many of you there.

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