Friday 11 November 2016

It's Remembrance Day and we observed it with an extra-long assembly this morning where each class got to show off its work from the last two weeks. Class 4 had produced a large number of brilliant haikus and tankas, and it was very difficult to choose four speakers from the class of 29. Hopefully I'll be able to give everyone a chance to show off their skills in future assemblies, but in the meantime, almost everyone managed to produce at least one good, proper haiku on a Remembrance theme, so they should be proud.

We finally finished our two week unit on explanations (with a small interruption for Remembrance Day) by writing about the some of the theories about how the pyramids were built. I think that pyramid construction is especially good at capturing childhood imaginations, especially for boys, and I got some really good work from them as a result.

We delved into bar charts and fractions in maths this week. In science we are continuing our study of teeth and digestion, and we compared everyday foods for their sugar content to see how damaging they are to our teeth. The results were not what was predicted, which is always fun to find. In history we examined the Ancient Egyptian method of barter used instead of money.

Next week is Anti-Bullying Week, and we will have several writing and creative lessons built around being a good friend and recognising bullying as opposed to being rude or mean.

After that, we really only have a little more than three weeks left to the Autumn term. We will be collecting and presenting the long-term homework project at the start of week 12, just as a gentle reminder. I expect to be able to listen to and assess all of the homework projects in the last two weeks of term.

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